Preparatory activity for DITALS APaF training (30 hours)
Preparatory activity for DITALS – ApaF training permits acquiring valid experience as a prerequisite to access on-line forms for DITALS trainers at the Siena Foreigner University.
Those with the following prerequisites will be admitted to the course (maximum 2 interns per course):
– degree holder
– possession of II level DITALS certification
In case of higher number or requests, the following titles and prerequisites will also be assessed in forming the ranking:
– Master DITALS Diploma
– Other Master Diploma pertinent to teaching Italian to foreigners
– Collaboration with the DITALS Centre
– DITALS training activities (for a number of hours inferior to 30 requests for direct module admission)
– Activities assessing DITALS Certification exams
With equal voting, the youngest candidate will be selected.
Structure of training course
– participation in at least one preliminary meeting at the body organising the course (date to be defined: about 15-30 days before start of DITALS orientation course);
– participation in course organisation, collaborating with site heads in the week preceding the course: revision of abstracts and hand outs, setting up equipment etc…
– presence during the DITALS orientation course and supporting teachers during group work.
At the end of the APaF course, the trainee teacher must produce a report to be forwarded to the DITALS Centre together with a report by the Mentor who followed him in the training course.
For informations: formazione@koinecentre.com